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Dancetraks - Our Aims & Objectives

You may wonder how Dancetraks came about. What are our aims & objectives?

Robert & Helen Richey, former Latin Champions and now Internationally acclaimed Coaches & Adjudicators formed the idea that the world of Competitive Ballroom Dancing could be enriched through the free-flowing exchanges of ideas & advice on a worldwide basis. There is no better medium for this than the World Wide Web!

Dancetraks! a site written by dancers for dancers is the result of these ideas and goals.

There are many fine sites to be found on the web, where dancers can purchase dance supplies, read the results and reports of the latest championships and get news and photos of all of the current stars of the dancing world. These sites are very professional and links to many of them are to be found on our site.

We wanted something else. A site where you, the dancers, could find advice and answers pertaining to both competitive and theoretical aspects of Ballroom & latin dancing. A site where you, the dancers, could voice your opinions and enter into discussions with fellow dancers, judges, promoters and anybody who loves dancing. In our pages you will find forms for both theoretical and general dance questions as well as a forum to promote discussion and to allow you to air your thoughts on all subjects relating to dance. In short, we hope that you will make use of Dancetraks to further your own dancing and to help further the standards and ethics of dance, worldwide.

As already mentioned, the "Stars" of our world, their results, their activities & all the details regarding their careers etc. are well publicised in the dance press and those sites already mentioned here. Once again, our aim is different. We ask that YOU, the dancers, email to us stories about your dancing, include a picture or two. Tell us what you would like others in the dance world to know and we will try to feature you in an article. We all know about the famous dancers, help us to give the "not so famous" their place "in the spotlight."

Dancetraks hopes that you share in our vision & that you will participate in making this site the place for dancers to drop in regularly & spend some time with us, so that we can all educate & entertain ourselves and by so doing, help to take ballroom & latin dancing to even greater heights of performance &art.

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